
Your personal finance questions – Can my landlord increase the rent by 5pc even though it’s in a rent pressure zone?

Plus, using GP online services, and do you need to review your will?

Insulation and building upgrades can be considered a ‘substantial change’ for the purpose of exemption from rent caps. Photo: Getty Images

Q I have been renting a house in Clontarf, Dublin, for more than five years. My landlord, who recently paid for a major home energy retrofit of the property, has given notice that he will be increasing the annual rent by 5pc. Given the property is in a rent pressure zone (RPZ), I queried this and he advised that he is exempt from the rent control rules because he has invested money in improving the energy efficiency of the property. Is he right?

A Under rent control rules, landlords can only increase rent by up to 2pc a year and by no more than the market rent if the property is in an RPZ, said Ian Lawlor, managing director of Lotus Investment Group, which lends to developers. Not all rented properties in RPZs are subject to rent caps.

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