Benchmarks, Key Performance Indicators, and CMO Priorities

target audience: TECH SUPPLIER
Publication date: May 2024 – Document type: Special Study – Doc Document number: # US52113723
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This IDC Special Study offers chief marketing officers (CMOs), their leadership teams, and their C-suite colleagues insights gained from the results of IDC’s 2023 Tech Marketing Spend Benchmark Survey. The extensive study is in its 21st year and provides evidence-based quantitative insight for marketing planning, performance, and productivity management and transformation into the next era marketing powerhouse.
The study also gathers key performance indicators across overall investment allocated to marketing and the breakdown of marketing program and staff spending. The Tech Marketing Investment Planner helps marketing leaders answer critical questions including: How much should the company invest in marketing? What are my peers, the disrupters, and industry leaders doing? What new skill sets and competencies do I need? How should I allocate my budget to maximize outcomes?
“We are moving into the next era of digital business. Marketing’s playbook is quickly changing to enable precision marketing, shifting to automate and dynamically deliver the content and engagement buyers expect,” says Laurie Buczek, VP of CMO Advisory Practice at IDC. “Maintaining a prioritized investment in marketing is critical to support a firm’s business growth objectives.”
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