
Drake Offers To Pay off $160k Mortgage of Fan’s Deceased Mom, “I’m Gonna Take It Out Of My Own Pocket”

Drake has been making a heartwarming habit of giving back to fans in need during his current tour.

The Grammy winner has been on the road for his It’s All a Blur – Big As the What? Tour with J. Cole, and he’s had a few massive acts of kindness along the way.

In February, he was performing in Nashville and noticed a sign in the crowd that read “Just Finished Chemo.” Breast cancer survivor Lauren Schwallier was holding that sign. She had nearly missed the concert because she spent the day getting bone scans at a local hospital. Showing up changed her life. After Drake gave her a tribute for being “a true soldier,” he gifted her $100K.

This month, Drake was playing in Kansas City where a fan tossed a note on stage. He paused the show to read what it said and surprised everyone with another huge gesture.

The writer explained that his mother had just passed away, and she left behind a $160K mortgage that he couldn’t afford.

“You said, ‘[Pay] off my mom’s house, rest in peace.’ Your mom passed away? Alright. And you owe … Oh, this is the outstanding balance right here. This is a lot of money right here,” he said.

“But you know what, Imma pay off your mama’s house for you,” Drake continued. “That’s gonna come from me. Rest in peace to your mama. Hold on, wait. Rest in peace to Jennifer Schumer. Rest in peace. I love you.”

The audience roared with shock and happiness before Drake jumped back into his set.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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