
5 Pound Sea Bass on the Jig

By Scott Lenox

5 Pound Sea Bass on the Jig

We had some pretty wicked thunderstorms roll through the area today that had down pouring rain, lightning, thunder and some very high winds.  There was some damage to some buildings in OC and some flooding on Coastal Highway, but from what I hear no one was injured.  More good news is that the storms have left the area and the weather for the rest of the weekend looks pretty nice.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star cut today’s trip a little short thanks to the ominous skies, but he still put some sea bass in the boat.  And yesterday he had a doozie of a knothead on board.

Never a great start when I begin a day with a weather advisory to clients. Looked to me as though it would be worse than forecast – was. Not 10 to 15 S – winds blew a steady 19.3 knots S until after lunch. Only then did the wind fall out to less than 10knts WSW as had been forecast for 8am.

Better late than never I suppose..

No whales on the way offshore this day. Owing sea conditions Finn dropped our two dozen reef blocks loose today. We pressed on.

Sea bass continued to be on the fussy side. We were getting bit, just not as fast as I’d prefer.

Jigmaster Tom put a (NOT 26) 21.75(!) inch sea bass in the box. Looked to be exactly 5 lbs on the boat’s scale.

As you’d expect, there were no other weigh-ins for the pool.

What did it bite? C’mon now..

A jig!

I expect we had dinners around. Ocean came right nice on the way home.

Tomorrow’s weather looks much better.



Captain Jason Mumford of Lucky Break Charters had a great day of fishing the OC Inlet today putting his anglers on two keeper flounder of 17″ and 20.5″, a 25″ speckled trout and a 30.5″ keeper rockfish.

Brian Brannan didn’t have any luck with the flounder, but he did manage this nice “chopper” bluefish.

Lamont Hilbert landed these two keeper flounder and a blowfish behind Assateague Island today.

8-Year-Old Cooper Mead landed this nice bluefish in the OC surf on a piece of cut mullet.

Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing has had some successful trips the past couple of days putting his shooters on lots of rays and gar with some snakehead, catfish and carp in the mix.

Check out my jumbo sea bass from the Angler the other day…..Subscribe!!

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