
AIA redefines wealth planning with a multi-currency savings plan that boasts high potential returns and flexibility

Indeed, the cost of overseas education can be substantial, often surpassing HK$1 million. Despite the high costs, there has been an approximate 30% increase in the number of students seeking further education outside of Hong Kong over the past three years.6

Legacy planning is another crucial aspect of securing the future for the next generation beyond supporting their education. It’s inspiring to see that the respondents to a recent survey by ECA International, on average, plan to pass on an asset value of HK$4.29 million to their loved ones.7

Retiring locally in Hong Kong can pose quite a challenge due to its high cost of living, which ranks as the second-most expensive in the world.8

With an average of over HK$7.6 million required to maintain a comfortable standard of living after retirement9, and considering that people are living longer, this cost is expected to continue rising. This reality has led a significant 85% of respondents to consider or contemplate moving abroad for retirement.10

With the continuous rising costs of overseas education and living in one of the world’s most expensive cities, a bespoke financial solution that adapts to these unique aspirations is essential.

Diversify and prosper with AIA’s Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3

The “Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3” addresses these needs with unmatched flexibility and potential for higher returns.

Ms Alice Liang, Chief Proposition Officer of AIA Hong Kong & Macau, said, “The world is in an era of uncertainty, while abundant opportunities still present themselves. AIA Hong Kong remains committed to providing customers and their families with flexibility and diverse choices, aiming to empower them to realise their dreams and reach their full potential – whether that’s exploring the world, saving for their children’s overseas education, or enjoying retirement life.”11

The “Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3” is AIA Hong Kong’s latest addition to its highly popular Global Power Multi-Currency Plan Series, designed to help customers achieve their personal financial goals faster. 

With a projected Total IRR exceeding 7% for both US dollar and HK dollar policies2, this plan surpasses similar products currently on the market2 with enhancements that offer even higher potential returns and increased flexibility.

With a selection of 9 policy currency options3, individuals can effectively manage their investments in the currency that best aligns with their needs. This flexibility can be particularly advantageous for those with income streams or expenses in multiple currencies to maximise returns.

This plan not only allows customers to switch policy currency from the end of the second policy year onwards12, but it also provides the flexibility to withdraw cash as needed4—a critical feature for long-term financial planning. 

In addition, it offers the first-in-market Bonus Unlock Option13 and the Policy Split Option14 to help customers achieve wealth allocation for legacy planning.

Last but not least, the “Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3” enhances customers’ peace of mind through its Mental Incapacity Option15 and the availability of an extended premium payment grace period, allowing policyholders to navigate major life events at ease and with confidence.

Exclusive opportunity: enjoy up to 25% first year premium refund and a guaranteed preferential interest rate of up to 5% p.a.16

In a limited-time offer, customers can enjoy a premium refund of up to 25% and a guaranteed preferential interest rate of up to 5% p.a. upon successful application16. This unique opportunity is geared towards individuals who envision a financially secure future that keeps pace with their aspirations.

Unlock a world of financial security and freedom

Act now to take advantage of this exclusive offer. For more details, visit AIA’s website and explore how to live “Healthier, Longer, Better Lives” with this innovative product.

1AIA “Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3” can be purchased as a basic plan only. This article contains general information only. It does not constitute as an offer or solicitation and/or insurance product recommendation. Customer must complete the financial needs analysis process before applying for any insurance product. The product information in this article does not contain the full terms of the product. For details of the product features, terms and conditions, exclusions and key product risks, you may refer to the relevant product brochure and policy contract of relevant products. In case you want to read policy contract sample before making an application, you can obtain a copy from AIA. Life insurance policies are long-term contracts of insurance. Should you surrender the policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid.

2Total Internal Rate of Return expected to exceed 7% referring to the expected total internal rate of return for US dollar and Hong Kong dollar policies can reach 7% at the end of 100th policy year. The expected total internal rate of return is not indicative of future performance and not guaranteed. In the worst case scenario, the actual total internal rate of return can be equal to guaranteed internal rate of return which is 0.32% (USD policy) or 0.15% (HKD policy) at the end of the 100th policy year. Taking 5-year premium payment term and total premium of USD 500,000 or 5-year premium payment term and total premium of HKD 3,750,000, age 0, male as an example, as of 1 December 2023, compared with similar multi-currency savings insurance products provided by Hong Kong major insurance companies.

3Macau pataca (MOP) is only available for policies issued in Macau.

4Upon request, policyholder can withdraw part of the policy value. However, this will reduce the future values of the policy. After withdrawal, the principal amount of the policy and the total premiums paid or one-time premium paid (as applicable) for the basic plan under the death benefit may be reduced. Alternatively, the policyholder may choose to withdraw all cash values in the policy, and the policy will be terminated. Please refer to the product leaflet for details.

5AIA was the first to launch “Global Power Multi-Currency Plan’ in June 2021. Multiple currency options and Currency Exchange Option were market-first features.

6Source: A survey by market research firm GfK, commissioned by AIA in April 2022, alongside media reports, highlights the significant cost of overseas education, often surpassing HK$1 million. The “Secondary 6 Students’ Pathway Survey” (2019-2022) by the Hong Kong Education Bureau reveals a 30% rise in students pursuing education abroad over the last three years. 

7Source: AIA commissioned market research company KANTAR to conduct “Hong Kong and Macau Segmentation Study 2021”

8Source:… . A research into cost of living for 2023 to rank 207 cities in 120 countries and territories around the world. (data collection date: June 2023)

9Source:… (media news: Nov 2023)

10Source: (media news: March 2023)

11AIA Press Release (…)

12From the end of the 2nd policy year onwards, you can choose to exercise the Currency Exchange Option within 30 days after the end of each policy year to change your policy currency to another currency
selected by you by exchanging your plan (i.e. Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3) to the latest plan under the Global Power Series in your designated policy currency. This option can only be exercised once per policy year.  The principal amount of the policy after the Currency Exchange Option is exercised must not be less than the minimum amount AIA permits at the time of your application.

13Bonus Unlock option was first introduced by AIA under the Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 2 on 5 October 2022. Starting from the end of the 15th policy year, within 30 days after the end of each policy year, you may apply to exercise the Bonus Lock-in Option once per policy year. Starting from 1 year after you have exercised the Bonus Lock-in Option ,within 30 days after the end of each policy year, you may apply to exercise the Bonus Unlock Option once per policy year.

14After the end of the 3rd policy year or the end of the premium payment term, whichever is later, the policyholder can exercise the Policy Split Option as needed. This option can be exercised once every year and upon exercising this option, the principal amount of current and split policies cannot be less than the approved amount during the Policy Split Option application. Please refer to the product leaflet for details.

15From the end of the third policy year onwards, the policyholder (must also be the insured) can designate in advance (i) an aged 18 or above family member as a designated recipient, and (ii) a designated percentage of policy value. In the event the policyholder is diagnosed as a permanent mentally incapacitated person, the designated recipient may receive payment equal to the designated percentage of policy value upon AIA’s approval and subject to applicable laws and prevailing rules and conditions.

16The premium refund offer : Up to 25% premium refund for the first year premium, the promotion period is from today until 30 June 2024. The guaranteed preferential interest rate offer : The promotion period is from today until 30 April 2024. Offer is only applicable to 5-year premium payment term plan and USD currency policy. Customers need to pay the full 5-year premium for basic plan within the specified period upon policy application, and the eligible new policy will entitle to a guaranteed preferential interest rate of up to 5% p.a. for the first 4 policy years on the prepaid premium payment. Need to select annual premium payment mode and premium prepayment option upon policy application. Whether customers participate in this offer and select relevant options (including but not limited to policy currency, premium payment mode and prepayment premium option), it should be customers’ own decision. Above offers are bound by terms and conditions. Please refer to for details.

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