
Counterfeit currency making gang member held in Dhaka

The members of the Rapid Action Battalion arrested an operative of a gang involved in making counterfeit currency from Kadamtali area of Dhaka on Thursday evening.

The arrested was Jisan Hossain Rifat, 19, who learned how to make the counterfeit currency through watching video contents on YouTube.

Superintendent of police Mohiuddin Mahmud Sohel, company commandant of the force, revealed this information at a press conference in the RAB-10 office of Dhaka’s Jatrabari area on Friday noon.

Rifat used to print and supply counterfeit currency notes in different areas of the country, including Jatrabari, Shyampur, Demra and Narayanganj.

He said that the arrested watched videos on YouTube to learn how to make counterfeit money in greed and ambitious dreams to earn more money in a short time.

He also received training in making counterfeit currency notes from gangs using various means and later he himself made counterfeit notes and supplied them in various ways, the RAB officer said.

After making the notes, he created a Facebook page to sell and supply them to different people. However, all the information was exchanged in the messenger, he said.

Rifat and his gang members used to sell the counterfeit notes at fish markets, launch ghats, bus terminals and other markets and supplied counterfeit notes worth Tk 2 crore across the country, the RAB official said.

During the arrest, counterfeit notes of different denominations of Tk 2,30,900 and various equipment, including computers, were recovered during the drive in a house in the Kadamtali area, he added.

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