
Testing and commissioning of Lowestoft’s new multi-million pound Gull Wing Bridge recommences

Testing and commissioning of a town’s new multi-million pound bridge has recommenced.

Lowestoft’s Gull Wing Bridge has had its final bascule span installed after a three-week closure of Lake Lothing and now activity is focusing on making sure the bridge performs as designed and is safe and ready for public use.

In this time, testing and commissioning of the hydraulic, mechanical and power systems has been taking place and the bridge has been raised and lowered numerous times.

Testing and commissioning of the Gull Wing Bridge, in Lowestoft, has recommenced. Picture: CHPV Offshore Film & Photography

The bridge will form part of the A12 and add another water crossing to the town.

Cllr Matthew Hicks, Leader of Suffolk County Council, said: “It is exciting to see the bascule span in operation as the final commissioning progresses.


“It is essential that we take the time to make sure that all of the operating and safety systems are in place and rigorously tested before we open up to road vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.

“Our contractor, Farrans, is working hard to complete the remaining commissioning and construction activities so that we can open the bridge to the public in the Summer.”

Testing is thorough and systematic and includes testing all components under different conditions as well as gradually increasing the power of the bascule bridge until it reaches full opening and closing speeds.

Several associated safety systems are also being installed and tested, including the warning lights and barriers, the tail locks, aircraft and marine warning lights, various sensors, and the CCTV monitoring system.

Behind the scenes a control room is being fitted out and associated software tested. The new bridge operators have also been recruited and are currently being trained.

The road and footway tarmac surfacing across the entire bridge and its approaches has been completed.

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