
Financing Home Grown School Feeding in West Africa – May 2024 – Benin


Homegrown-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) can offer significant returns on investment, particularly in agriculturally diverse regions with arable lands. As a context-sensitive intervention, HGSF financing also demands tailored approaches. Acknowledging the uniqueness of each context is crucial for effective financing and implementation. ECOWAS member states commitments to HGSF and their embrace of indigenous nutritious sovereign foods and self-sustainable agriculture practices is most commendable. These commitments demonstrate a dedication to holistic approaches to food security and nutrition.

In the ECOWAS region, HGSF initiatives are vital for ensuring children’s access to nutritious meals, quality education, and overall well-being. International Financial Institutions (IFIs) play a crucial role in broadening the reach of these programs, by providing financial support, technical expertise, and advocacy. Sustainable HGSF financing requires tailored approaches to integrate education, agriculture, health, and nutrition, aligning with regional commitments and goals.

Successful IFI-supported initiatives in countries like Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, and Senegal have demonstrated improved student health, academic

performance, and community resilience. Moreover, alternative finance strategies, such as results-based funding and integrated rural infrastructure development, enhance the success and sustainability of HGSF projects. The role of IFIs extends beyond financial support, to include fostering policy environments conducive to sustainable HGSF interventions and effective programme implementation.

Public procurement policies wield significant influence, with the potential to either perpetuate unfair practices or drive transformative change in food systems. Innovative financing projects, such as Brazil’s procurement strategy and Mexico’s SDG Bond initiative, showcase the effectiveness of sustainable financing in supporting local economies and educational outcomes.

To enhance HGSF financing mechanisms, policymakers should develop integrated policy frameworks that align with broader national development priorities. Multistakeholder collaboration, evidence-based planning, and monitoring are crucial for program success. Moreover, prioritizing budget allocations and exploring innovative financing mechanisms can ensure sustainable funding. A detailed costing for the duration of the program is also

key, as it provides a clear financial roadmap and helps in securing long-term investment. Additionally, the role of cross-sector budgeting should be emphasized to leverage resources across different sectors, fostering a more comprehensive and efficient approach to financing.

Capacity development initiatives and promoting local procurement strategies are essential for strengthening program implementation and market development. Policy advocacy efforts, supported by ECOWAS leaders, can garner public support for sustained investment in HGSF initiatives while promoting a conducive policy environment for HGSF interventions.

HGSF interventions in the ECOWAS region hold significant potential to address multiple SDGs and deliver tangible outcomes to children and local communities. By implementing these recommendations and leveraging digital platforms for ongoing engagement, ECOWAS stakeholders can catalyze transformative change in HGSF financing, enhance program effectiveness, and build stronger and more resilient food systems which promote the holistic development of children and communities across the region.

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