
New finance and planning faces after leader’s Cabinet reshuffle

At the May 10 annual meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council, Pembroke St Mary North member Cllr Harvey beat fellow leadership hopeful Conservative group leader Di Clements by 30 votes to 27, following former leader David Simpson announcing he was to step down after seven years in the top job.

Cllr Harvey said the responsibility of taking the role of leader was “not one I take lightly,” saying he would bring “compassion, transparency, and integrity”.

He said there was a need for the political groups to work together for the good of Pembrokeshire.

“If we work together for a common purpose and common goals, we can make a real difference for the residents we serve.

“Let’s work together; neither I nor the Cabinet have a monopoly on good ideas, speak to us. To this end I look forward to meeting with all the political groups on a regular basis.”

At that meeting he said Deputy Leader Cllr Paul Miller would continue in his role, the other Cabinet positions being decided this week.

Cllr Harvey has today, May 14, announced his new Cabinet, with two councillors Joshua Beynon and Jacob Williams joining the Cabinet for the first time.

It also sees the face of council finances and budgets, Cllr Alec Cormack stepping down from Cabinet duties.

Cllr Beynon will be responsible for the Corporate Finance and Efficiencies portfolio while Cllr Williams will be responsible for Planning and Regulatory Services.

The rest of the Cabinet will see many familiar faces remaining.

Leader Cllr Harvey said: “I am delighted to announce my Cabinet which retains a strong mix of experienced Members who know and understand their portfolios, but also adds new ideas and new ways of thinking through Cllrs Beynon and Williams.

“I thank Cllr Cormack for all his work as Member for Corporate Finance over the last few years during a testing economic period and I now look forward to getting to work with my Cabinet colleagues and delivering on the council’s priority of working together, improving lives.”

Cllr Beynon, who has an economics degree and previously worked in budgeting for Hywel Dda University Health board in Ceredigion, said: “What I bring to the role is a willingness to listen and will also ensure we get value for money in public services and what matters to people.”

The Pembroke Dock Central councillor, first elected seven years ago, added: “I’m looking forward to the role, it builds on my educational and professional experience, I’m really looking forward to listening to all sides of the chamber.”

Cabinet meets for the first time on Monday, May 20, at 10am.

The full Cabinet is:

Cllr Jon Harvey, Leader of Council.

Cllr Paul Miller – Deputy Leader of Council and Cabinet Member for Place, the Region and Climate Change.

Cllr Tessa Hodgson – Cabinet Member for Social Care and Safeguarding.

Cllr Michelle Bateman – Cabinet Member for Housing.

Cllr Neil Prior – Cabinet Member for Communities, Corporate Improvement and the Well-being of Future Generations.

Cllr Jacob Williams – Cabinet Member for Planning & Regulatory Services.

Cllr Joshua Beynon – Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance and Efficiencies.

Cllr Rhys Sinnett – Cabinet Member for Residents Services.

Cllr Guy Woodham – Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language.

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