
Peers warn investment trusts under threat in letter to FCA

A House of Lords committee warned the success of investment trusts is under threat by the Financial Conduct Authority’s approach to legislation.  

The House of Lords’ Financial Services Regulation committee said retained EU legislation means investors are given misleading information. 

The cost disclosure regime requires investment trusts to report costs in the same way as open-ended funds. 

In a letter, dated April 30, committee chair Lord Forsythe of Drumlean said: “This creates a falsely elevated number for aggregated ongoing cost forecasts of funds which are held by investment trusts, giving misleading information to investors and indicating that costs/expenses are to be deducted annually from shareholdings.”

The interpretation of the rules for investment trusts means total costs incurred by the vehicles have to be shared with clients. However it is misleading to do so for investment trusts, as not all costs incurred by these listed companies end up being passed on to the end investor. 

For example, under the UK interpretation, investment trusts must include audit fees in their total cost disclosure, but other listed companies do not have to do so.

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