Pitlochry to get £8.7 million investment in new community campus

Perth and Kinross Council (PKC) has voted to invest £8.7 million in a new community campus in Pitlochry and create more affordable housing in its redundant buildings.
Pitlochry High School will be refurbished with new science labs, technical workshop and a home economics suite and the town’s library, council and leisure services relocated next to the school.
Former Pitlochry High School pupil Provost Xander McDade was “delighted” but Perth City Centre councillor Peter Barrett claimed it was a “gold-plated proposal which far exceeds the current usage and needs of the community” when leisure services in Perth are being cut.
At a meeting of PKC’s Finance and Resources Committee on Wednesday, June 12 councillors voted by 13 votes to three to spend an additional £2.2 million on the option which included a new four-court games hall as opposed to the option which included a two-court games hall and had previously been recommended by council officers as the preferred option.
Council leader Grant Laing said councillors from across the political divide on the Strategic Investment Advisory Group examined the options and the “political preference was for a more enhanced option”.
He added: “While this is slightly more expensive, members considered the more extensive offer would result in increased usage by the community generating necessary income to offset future costs.”
The plans will create a community campus with a gym and four-court games hall. Opening hours will be extended to increase access to leisure services at the school.
Councillors have given their support to the Community Asset Transfer of Cloichard Depot and Pitlochry Town Hall to local community groups and the redevelopment of PKC’s Tyree House and Atholl Leisure Centre into around 20 affordable housing units.
Over the past year PKC has received around 800 comments from residents about their priorities and hopes for the town. Priorities outlined by residents included the need for more good quality affordable housing and continued access to leisure and library services.
Strategic lead for Property Services Stephen Crawford said: “Many of the existing facilities in Pitlochry, such as the leisure centre, have restricted opening hours.
“Moving to a community campus model will give greater access to these facilities outwith school hours, including weekends, and create space for much-needed affordable housing in the town to support local residents and help sustain the town’s vibrant community.”
Moving the plans for approval SNP council leader Grant Laing said it was meeting the council’s “need to rationalise our property assets to not only reduce running and maintenance costs but also to make sure our portfolio supports our wider climate ambitions to reduce our carbon footprint”.
Seconding Cllr Laing’s motion, Highland Perthshire Independent councillor Xander McDade said similar projects to the pilot in Pitlochry would be welcomed elsewhere.
Provost McDade said: “This has been a very interesting pilot project which I think will be very positively received elsewhere across Perth and Kinross as it is rolled out.”
He added: “Critically the new four-court sports hall and larger fitness gym will not only offer 21 st century sports facilities for our young people but for everyone in our community with a 140 per cent increase in opening hours compared to the current Atholl Leisure Centre.
“The lack of affordable housing is a huge challenge in our community and has caused issues with recruitment in health and social care as well as preventing local businesses from being able to recruit staff to grow and reach their full potential. We have one of the highest housing waiting lists per head of population in Perth and Kinross with 227 families and individuals waiting for a home.”
However Perth City Centre councillor Peter Barrett was concerned about leisure facilities being expanded in Pitlochry whilst they are being cut in Perth.
The Liberal Democrat councillor said: “In Perth city there has been close scrutiny and analysis of sports usage numbers and trends and cessation or reduction of facilities for sports with declining numbers; in Pitlochry a contradictory approach is being taken built on a shaky foundation that if we build it, they will come.
“I am astonished that the recommendation is for a gold-plated proposal which far exceeds the current usage and needs of the community. The proposals are iniquitous; they do not reflect the cash-strapped position that the council is in.”
There was a moment of bewilderment in SNP ranks when the amendment was seconded by SNP councillor Tom McEwan. He later voted for the motion tabled by his SNP leader and said he seconded Cllr Barrett’s amendment to allow “full debate” for “all views to be fully heard”.
Only Conservatives Perth City Centre councillor Chris Ahern and Perth City South councillor Andy Chan backed the amendment.
Lifelong Learning Committee convener John Rebbeck argued the approved £8.7 million investment “brings Pitlochry in line with other rural towns, it futureproofs Pitlochry school and it brings the school and the proposed campus into the heart of our community”.
Detailed design work on the Highland Perthshire town’s new community campus will begin soon.
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