
DWP help with housing costs such as mortgage support and free payments

Housing payments are incredibly important and keeping on top of them is vital, so here we explain all of the housing help available from the DWP and other official sources for those who claim benefits

If you are struggling with housing costs there is some help you can claim (Getty Images/Westend61)

The cost of housing, both if you own your home or rent it, has risen significantly over the last few years – but what help is there with these rising costs?

Housing payments are incredibly important and keeping on top of them is vital. If you are struggling with your housing costs there is official Government support available to claim. However, it is really important to remember that the Government’s financial support for housing is only available to those who claim Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits.

If you do not claim benefits but are struggling with housing costs you should approach your local council and see if they run a welfare assistance or Household Support Fund scheme. Alongside this, charities such as Citizen’s Advice and Shelter can offer emergency advice and support if you need help.

Here we explain all of the housing help available from the DWP and other official sources for those who claim benefits.

Housing Benefit

Housing Benefit is money to help you with your housing costs if you are on a low income. Housing Benefit can be used to help pay for rent as well as some service charges. You cannot claim the benefit for help with mortgage payments. Housing Benefit is being replaced by Universal Credit which means new claims are not being accepted. However, you can make a new claim if:

  • You, and your partner if you’ve got one, have reached state pension age
  • You or your partner has been getting Pension Credit since before May 15 2019
  • You live in temporary accommodation
  • Your landlord’s a county council, charity or housing association and they give you care or support
  • You get accommodation from a county council, charity or housing association because you need care or support

If you qualify, Housing Benefit can be paid whether or not you are working so your income is not taken into account. The amount you receive ranges depending on your housing situation. If you are a private tenant the amount is restricted by the Local Housing Allowance Rate.

If you are a social tenant, it could be restricted by the number of bedrooms you have under the “Bedroom Tax”. The amount is also subject to the benefit cap, and if your benefit payments exceed it your housing support could be reduced. Unlike other benefits, Housing Benefit is administered by your local council.

Universal Credit Housing Element

Universal Credit’s Housing Element can help those on low incomes with rent and some service charges and is paid through your monthly Universal Credit payment from the DWP. Again, this support is not available for mortgage payments. To get the support, you will need to prove to the DWP that you are paying rent but you can be renting privately or renting social housing.

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