
How to get your CeMAP qualification

The LIBF also suggests booking a CeMAP exam right away as part of the study plan. You can always move the date of your exam if you need to.

2. Take advantage of your work experience

If you’ve worked at a mortgage company, at a lender, or even in a different sector, you can always use your prior experience to enhance the learning experience.

3. Find the study technique that works best for you

The best study techniques are relative to what works for you. The general tip is to check out the CeMAP syllabus and find out the learning outcomes for the topics. Usually, the questions from the CeMAP exams are about the desired learning outcomes.

Some study technique tips:

    • take notes
    • understand and learn the concepts in chunks
    • take regular breaks
    • Take the assessments at the end of each topic to see how much you’ve learned
    • address your learning gaps first before you move on to a next topic

4. Talk to experts

Through the LIBF’s CeMAP course, you can apply lessons learnt when you get to the workplace. This also provides connections with people in the financial services industry, including the mortgage sector.

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