
Fears over parking ‘chaos’ this Easter holiday at National Trust property

'GRIDLOCKED': Cars struggle to get past on the road by Croome Court. <i>(Image: John Hubble)</i>

‘GRIDLOCKED’: Cars struggle to get past on the road by Croome Court. (Image: John Hubble)

THERE are fears that “chaotic” parking outside a popular National Trust property will return this Easter break.

It comes after a resident previously spoke out over the “irritating” situation at Croome Court, where parking is restricted after wet weather.

Croome Court’s grassland parking soon becomes waterlogged after heavy rainfall, and the limited spaces in the hard-standing car park mean visitors resort to parking on the road.

John Hubble, a resident and National Trust member for over 30 years, said parking on the road causes safety concerns, with vehicles struggling to get past and visitors walking in the middle of the road.

He fears this Easter break may see more parking chaos and “gridlocked” traffic.

“I think the same will apply to Easter,” he said

“If the weather is good, there could be problems, but if it is poor (so visitors will be deterred from visiting), not so much.

“We are not anti-National Trust and certainly appreciate the efforts the local team are making to address these problems.

“Sadly, in the past, my feeling is this has not been fully matched with support from the centre.

“It is gratifying to see that our efforts to highlight these issues have, to some extent, rectified this.”

National Trust revealed it will implement parking measures over the Easter break to relieve traffic pressure.

This includes temporary improvements to its overflow grass car park, which involves firming the water-logged ground.

During busy times, there will also be a no-parking zone along the lane outside the property entrance.

A spokesperson for National Trust said: “We host regular meetings with Croome’s local residents.

“In the most recent one we discussed how periods of prolonged wet weather make the ground in our overflow car park unsuitable to use.

“During the February half term, this resulted in some visitors parking on the surrounding roads.

“After advice from the police and Worcestershire Highways department, we have contracted a traffic management company to implement a no-parking zone along the lane outside the entrance to Croome during busy times.

“If there is reduced parking, we always ensure notice is displayed on our website and on social channels to keep visitors informed.

“In the long term we are at the feasibility stage of a project to increase car parking availability in all weathers.”

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