
Letter: Property access blocked – Kimberley Bulletin

To: City of Kimberley

I am writing this letter looking for some clarification and hopefully some better communication. I live at 2890 Rotary Drive and the construction work happening across the lane from us has blocked off the access from Jim Ogilvie Way to our home. I have a big delivery truck coming Thursday as well as about 15 families showing up over Thursday/Friday to pick up items from my home and this unknown disruption will be causing some grief to us all.

I inquired with the workers at the construction site on Tuesday March 26 if there was a chance access would be open again to my home by Thursday for my delivery and they replied that by orders of the city, there is no more access to my home this way. And that they would not be filing in the ditch they dug out to remove the access.

As being a small town and we all know each other, I have had conversations with workers from the city that state they were not aware of the ditch being dug out and access removed this week to our home and the City’s water shed on this property.

Can someone please clarify with me if access to our home will be returned via Jim Ogilvie Way and when if so. If not, will we be allowed to push our home access on to Rotary Drive from our property since our roadway access has been taken away from us? The alley way running behind our property is not in any condition or even in the right placement for that matter to access our home.

A conversation with our family and the Mayor Don McCormick a few months back, he assured us that our access would not be closed off on us. With no communication from anyone within the City and having construction workers digging up our access and telling us that it was orders from city, we are not impressed in how the laneway access is being handled at this point. This leaves us with lots of questions/concerns, but they will wait until we see how the current situation is going to be handled.

I would appreciate a prompt reply.

Tasha Johnston


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