
Caerphilly Council cracks down on ‘nuisance’ property

The council said the property was “the focus for nuisance and antisocial behaviour for a considerable period” and had prompted calls for action from other residents.

Problems included “unacceptable noise” at “unsociable hours” and for extended periods, and “fighting inside the property”, Caerphilly Council also said.

Arguments had also been reported “spilling out into shared public space outside” the property, the local authority added.

The order means only one named family member can visit the property while the current resident remains there, and will last for an initial period of three months.

Anyone who breaches the order risks arrest, a fine, and up to 51 weeks in prison.

Cllr Shayne Cook, Caerphilly Council’s cabinet member for housing, said the enforcement action sends a message about bad behaviour across the county borough.

“The occurrences at this property were having a significant impact on other residents and their families, including disturbed sleep and being fearful,” Cllr Cook said.

“As well as offering reassurance to neighbouring households, we also hope this acts as a warning to others that behaviour such as those experienced at this property will not be tolerated.”

Caerphilly Council said any residents experiencing persistent or severe incidents of antisocial behaviour or neighbour nuisance should contact the Caerphilly Homes Antisocial Behaviour Team by calling 01443 811440 or sending an email to

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