
Headway NOVA Unveils New Real Estate Investment Initiative

DUBAI, UAE / ACCESSWIRE / February 19, 2024 / In Q4 2023, Headway NOVA entered the market – a new service for investing in tokenized properties. On the NOVA app, users can profit from real estate with the help of digital shares, i.e., tokens. Investments are secured by blockchain and accessible to everyone from $50.

Secured investing

Headway NOVA is an investment service developed by Headway, a licensed financial company offering a range of financial products to clients around the world.

Affordability comes from technology

NOVA aims to revolutionize investing in real estate. NOVA team takes a high-end property with options available in Dubai, UAE. Following that the property is tokenized, i.e., the company creates digital shares of this property.

Headway NOVA offers property tokens to investors starting from $50. It is the lowest investment sum the real estate market can offer today.

With NOVA, investors own the right to receive profits from a property’s long-term appreciation and rent. Users get regular dividends for their investments right in the app.

Easy, transparent, and profitable

NOVA service integrates the best of TradFi (traditional finance) and DeFi (decentralized finance) into one app:

  • It is easy. The user purchases a token in the app. The investment generates profits, while responsibility for property maintenance is on the NOVA team.
  • It is transparent. NOVA implements blockchain technology to achieve the maximum fairness and transparency. Every investor can find full information on the Ethereum Explorer. All operations are transparent and decentralized.
  • It is profitable. Though NOVA tokens are digital, they depend on the live market price of the physical property. With NOVA tokens, investors profit from market appreciation as well as regular rental dividends. It scales up user’s profits massively.

Innovate your way to real estate

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