
Report by UN Women – Placing gender equality at the centre of investment decisions

Written by Mario Calderini, Director of TIRESIA and Professor of Management for Sustainability and Impact at Politecnico

Embedding gender equality into investment strategies is essential for fostering a more inclusive economic and financial system and advancing progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal on gender equality (SDG 5) set by the United Nations. As we approach the midpoint of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, the imperative to empower women and girls becomes increasingly urgent. 

Gender Lens Investing (GLI) emerges as a strategic approach to deploying capital aimed at diminishing gender disparities. Not confined to specific asset classes, GLI can be applied across diverse investment avenues, including public equities, debt, real estate, and infrastructure. Furthermore, the convergence of impact investing with a gender lens results in gender impact investing, enabling stakeholders to pursue investments generating both financial returns and positive social impact. 

To channel more resources towards SDG 5, investors and fund managers must align their strategies with gender equality objectives, potentially developing tailored financial products and incorporating relevant impact metrics. By integrating gender considerations into investment practices, stakeholders can drive meaningful progress towards building a fairer, more inclusive society.

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