
Rolls-Royce to create 300 jobs in £55m investment

Rolls-Royce has announced a £55m investment and 300 jobs to meet growing demand for its large civil aircraft engines.

The FTSE 100 engineer said half of the investment and two-thirds of the jobs would go to its site in Derby with the rest going to Dahlewitz, Germany.

Rolls said increased capacity in Derby would see it deliver over 40 per cent more engines per year from 2025 compared with the average over the past ten years. 

Last month the company said it would plough £1billion into beefing up its Trent engine programme.

Rolls is enjoying a resurgence under chief executive Tufan Erginbilgic, who took over at the start of last year and has seen its share price quadruple.

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It has been boosted by a rebound in air travel, with the group predicting the number of aircraft powered by Rolls-Royce engines will rise by 7-9 per cent a year for the remainder of the decade.

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