
New research reveals surge in SARS figures for estate agents

New research from the suspicious activity report (SAR) Annual Statistical Report 2023 reveals that the SARs figures for estate agents have increased by 21.7% year-on-year, with 780 reported in 2021-2022, compared with 950 in 2022-2023.

While these figures have grown they are low in comparison to the number of property transactions each year. Estate agents need to stay alert to red flags and report unusual activity that comes across their desks.

According to Credas Technologies, while most property buyers are above board, common red flags can indicate that funds from illegal activity are being filtered into a property purchase or sale.

Tim Barnett, CEO of Credas Technologies, commented: “Identifying warning signs early allows estate agents and conveyancers to conduct enhanced due diligence, ask more questions and potentially file a suspicious activity report (SAR) with the NCA.

“It’s easy to slip into thinking that AML checks are a box-ticking exercise, but money laundering and financial crimes have real victims that are only a few steps removed from the money that is being transacted.

“Identity verification is a crucial part of the risk-based approach that companies in the regulated sector are obligated to take under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) regulations 2017.”

Credas Technologies report that the most common techniques for laundering money are as follows:

+ Third party proxy: Using a third party or proxy to make the purchase on behalf of the real buyer, avoiding the link between the property to the criminal in official records.

+ Irregular sale prices: An irregular sale price with a buyer paying significantly above or below market value can be considered a red flag – a transaction like this can allow larger sums to be laundered through mortgages, while undervaluing lets surplus illicit cash change hands separately.

+ Obfuscated Source of funds: The source of funds used for a deposit or fees may seem suspicious – for example large amounts of physical cash with no paper trail. If funds are coming from an unrelated third party or foreign account, more questions should be asked.

+ Location of the buyer: A buyer purchasing property located in a high-risk  terrortiy purchasing property  where they neither live or work for no clear reason can be a red flag. This distance makes it harder for authorities to uncover connections between parties.

+ Shell companies and trusts: A buyer might be using a shell company or trust to purchase and hold properties on their behalf. These entities can help conceal the true ownership of the properties, making it difficult for authorities to trace the illicit funds back to the perpetrators. It pays to look at beneficiaries and trustees carefully – if it’s a family trust, are they all family, or are there unexplained people in the mix?

+ Cash transactions: Criminals may use large amounts of cash, or direct bank transfers,to purchase properties outright or to make significant down payments, making it harder for authorities to trace the funds’ origin.

+ Related parties: Frequent buying and selling between related parties is a potential sign of cycling funds through property to appear legitimate.


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