
‘Property industry needs to be more inclusive’ says Yopa boss

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Yopa boss Verona Frankish has urged the property industry to be more inclusive after noting that she was only one of three female participants at a recent industry round-table at the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (pictured).

Held last week, the meeting was chaired by MP Natalie Elphicke and attended by some 19 people from HSBC, Rightmove, First Title, Simplify, London and Country, MAB, Movera, Propertymark, TwentyCI, View My Chain, Property Academy and SortRefer.

While Frankish applauded the discussions during the meeting on how to improve the home buying and selling process, which included a call for greater collaboration across the industry, she was disappointed to find herself, except Elphicke and one other, “the only female voice around the table”.


“She added: “As an industry, we must open our minds to more diverse thinking, alternative viewpoints, ideas and suggestions that are at odds with our sometimes-ingrained preconceived notions.

“We will not be able to do this, and therefore not achieve the right outcomes to gnarly problems, without being more inclusive.

“There was an unquestionable amount of talent, experience, knowledge, intellect and skill around the table. Most businesses in our sector could argue this fact.

“However, without diversity we are unlikely to create the best outcomes for the communities we serve and should represent.”

Commenting on the meeting, Elphicke (pictured) said: “This shows that there are technology solutions and processes to cut through the red tape, improve sales rates and get better consumer outcomes too.

“With the willingness and collaboration of the industry together with support from government, faster and better information and processing is a win-win for everyone buying and selling a home.”

Helena Moyas de Forton, a senior at Christie’s International Real Estate, who was not at the meeting, adds: “I’ve seen many exciting changes and increasing opportunities for women in the real estate industry over the last decade, including a rise in woman-owned brokerages and women in leadership positions. While these are positive steps, the industry must keep the forward momentum going by prioritizing equality and providing education and training to empower women.

helena moyas christies

Helena Moyas de Forton, Christies International Realty

“My message to the next generation of female leaders would be, set your sights high and stay focused on your goals. There are many women in leadership roles in real estate in the UK – at Christie’s International Real Estate, a high proportion of our leaders are women. Let these women be your inspiration.

“Sharpen your market knowledge, negotiation and other leadership skills and know that the industry is changing, opening up an increasing amount of opportunities for us.”

This week on Friday (8th March) is International Women’s Day.

The Women In Estate Agency Group‘s annual conference takes place on Thursday (7th March).

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